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One of the biggest benefits of breast milk for a baby is gaining ... I think he was basing his idea off the assumption that pumping won't be a problem. ... So it would just be weird trying to bond with a girl sucking on nips together.I’ll put it out there right at the start – I’ve tasted the wife’s breast milk and I don’t think it’s *that* weird.
I’m not saying that I latch on, that I down pints of the white stuff or that I pour it over my cereal, but I don’t think trying it out of curiosity or to test the temperature is as odd as people make out.
It’s a subject often greeted with both disgust and intrigue – a bit like dogging in that regard. I personally can’t really see why though – let’s be honest, whether we care to admit it or not, we’ve tasted other bodily fluids in our lives, be it kissing or what often happens after kissing…
My first taste of boob juice – or booce as I’ve named and trademarked it – occurred when I started giving Baby L bottles. I accidentally left the milk in the bottle warmer a bit longer than I probably should have and was met with an expression of shock and pain as I gave the bottle to the little one. Being upstairs on the bed with the sprog crying in my arms, I didn’t really care about myself as my mind was on her and ensuring I’d not scolded those toothless gums.
Like any good man taking one for the team, I put the teat to my mouth, tilted my head and had a suck. The taste was anything but unpleasant. In fact, shock horror, it tasted like milk! Yes, it was a bit warmer than I was used to and had a slight tang, but it hardly made me stick my fingers down my throat in order to be violently sick.
Since then, I’ve repeated the same process a handful of times when I’ve left the milk on a little too long or when Baby L has reacted in a slightly strange way to the bottle. When parents don’t think anything to sucking bogies from their child’s nose, gagging when their crap gets under the fingernail or eating mushed up food that has been in the kid’s mouth, I’d argue that drinking milk is pretty normal in comparison.

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